03 Mar 2022

Charting Transferability: Advancing gender equality in the response to climate change

United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (U...+1 more
United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH)
Tue 22 Mar 2022
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What you'll learn
Transferable lessons from the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights
  • Promising approaches for advancing gender equality derived from SRHR interventions that could be integrated into climate change responses and disaster management
  • Challenges and opportunities from thought leaders to integrate transferable lessons from SRHR interventions into responses to climate change and disaster management
  • Read our related Lancet piece on Gender equality and climate action: lessons from evidence on SRHR
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About the event
Charting transferability

Women and girls face heightened vulnerabilities to the adverse effects of climate change, and efforts are increasingly underway to integrate a gendered perspective into responses to climate change with the ultimate goal of advancing gender equality. With the increasing prioritisation of these efforts, there is an opportunity to draw on learning and evidence from other areas, particularly sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). The SRHR field has an extensive body of evidence evaluating gender-responsive programming and has been at the forefront of advancing gender equality in health.

What's included

This session builds on an extensive analysis of SRHR evidence led by The United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) and focuses on charting the transferability of promising approaches and lessons on gender programming from the SRHR space to strategies and interventions aimed at mitigating and responding to climate change.

An image of lush, green rainforest in Darjeeling
Our Speakers

The session brings together representatives from government, UN agencies, civil society organisations, and researchers in both the SRHR and climate change arena to share transferable lessons to advance gender equality through efforts to mitigate and respond to the impacts of climate change.


  • Dr Anju Malhotra, Visiting Fellow, United Nations University International Institute for Global Health


  • Dr Johanna Riha, Research Fellow, United Nations University International Institute for Global Health


  • Ybhg Tan Sri Dr Jemilah Mahmood, Professor and Director, Sunway Centre for Planetary Health, member of the Government of Malaysia’s Climate Action Council
  • Mr Rajib Ghosal, Regional Senior Technical Advisor, Climate Change, Asia-Pacific, Save the Children International
  • Ms Sivananthi Thanenthiran, Executive Director of the Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women
  • Dr Eric Zusman, Senior policy researcher/area leader, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies

Closing remarks:

  • Professor Pascale Allotey, Director, United Nations University International Institute for Global Health
CSW66 | Charting Transferability: Advancing gender equality in the response to climate change video
Two hands are held in the sky. On their palms are the words: Our lives are in your hands.
Concept Note: Charting Transferability
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