- Research needs on gender and COVID-19 from The Gender in Humanitarian Action (GiHA) Working Group’s listening session and literature review on vaccination and other thematic areas
- Emerging results on research priorities from the Asia Pacific region
- Strategies to promote and support research implementation of the collaboratively set agenda in the region
As part of the Gender and COVID-19 Research Agenda-setting process, this event focuses on the regional experiences and research needs addressing the influence of gender in vaccination deployment.
COVID-19 vaccination holds the potential to alleviate the health systems burden, contribute to economic and social recovery, and reverse some of the exacerbated gender inequalities during the pandemic. Yet gender, a known barrier to access and delivery, as demonstrated in many other vaccination efforts and health areas, is not well understood, considered or addressed at national levels. These include how restrictive gender norms, physical access, and information gaps, that are often amplified by other intersecting vulnerabilities, are tackled in vaccination deployment strategies.
Restrictive gender norms, physical access, and information gaps, that are often amplified by other intersecting vulnerabilities, are tackled in vaccination deployment strategies. Gaps in evidence, real-time reporting, and science communication, including to dispel cultural myths, and pre-existing gender-related health barriers such as divisions of care work and autonomy or decision-making may explain these gaps.
Kalani Sachs-Robertson
Humanitarian Action and Disaster Risk Reduction, ROAP
UN Women
Gender in Humanitarian Action (GiHA) Working Group
Dr. Lavanya Vijayasingham
Postdoctoral Fellow
United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH)
Dr. Kira Fortune
Unit on Social Determinants of Health and Violence and Injury Prevention
WHO WPRO, Manila
Dr. Gunjan Taneja
Program Officer
Vaccine Delivery
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, India
Chee Yoke Ling
Executive Director
Third World Network (TWN)