The United Nations building in Bangkok with the UN Logo and country flags
How to Do Gender
14 Mar 2023
A Compendium of the History of Gender Mainstreaming in Five United Nations Agencies
The compendium serves as a public resource capturing, in a single place, the history of institutional and programmatic gender mainstreaming efforts in health spanning five United Nations agencies, namely UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO.An overview of the history of gender mainstreaming efforts in health within selected agencies to be used for further analyses, to build institutional memory, and provide a deeper understanding of historical and contextual factors that affect and shape gender mainstreaming in organisational settings. Read about each agency’s organisational context, a historical account of its gender strategies and policies, and its current status regarding gender parity, gender architecture, resource allocation and accountability mechanisms.
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location Global
time 45 minutes
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Events 06 Mar 2023
06 Mar 2023
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The Personal is Political: Re-imagining Data Governance in the context of Digital Health
Session Description While digital technology has the potential to revolutionise healthcare, it can also exacerbate gender inequalities, deepen marginalisation, and enable human rights violations. In a world where our physical and digital identities are increasingly intertwined, bodily autonomy must include control over personal data – however, this remains elusive to women, girls and those identifying as other genders, especially in LMICs. This 90-minute webinar focuses on data governance and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in the context of a rapidly evolving digital health industry, and privacy and data protection legislation that is struggling to keep up. This event took place on Wednesday, 8 March 2023
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date Wed 08 Mar 2023