COVID-19 and Infectious Diseases
12 Oct 2021
Reflections on emerging COVID-19 research priorities for gender and governance of health systems: Please vote by 15th October!
This article asks the questions:How do we reach the goal of gender-mainstreamed health systems across countries of the world? How can health systems be gender responsive and gender resilient? With whom should we engage, and how, so that the catastrophic effects of disease outbreaks are offset for individuals and collectives whose disadvantages are compounded by intersecting identities and characteristics, including gender?These and other questions were crowdsourced across 5 thematic areas for the research prioritisation process on gender and COVID-19 co-convened by the United Nations University – International Institute for Global Health, and the University of the Western Cape’s School of Public Health.
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location Global
time 10 mins
Woman in a brown and white floral shirt wearing a white mask outside.
Events 18 Aug 2021
18 Aug 2021
Gender and Health Research Agenda Setting for COVID-19: Initial Results
location Global
date Wed 01 Sep 2021
time 9am - 10am
ticket Free